Saturday, March 22, 2025

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Disney has released a new version of S​now White and the Seven Dwarfs. The early reviews are not good.

Three days ago I watched the original Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs for the third time in my life. The animation is fantastic, and two of the songs are particularly good. The dwarfs are wonderful. A couple of decades ago, this movie truly captured my heart. It’s easy to love the dwarfs and feel the emotion as they mourn Snow White’s apparent death.

However, the story is quite lightweight, and much of the film feels like filler. Nearly half of it consists of slapstick comedy. Too much time is spent on exposition, and not all of the music is engaging.

Had I seen this movie in 1937, I would have regarded it as the greatest animated film made up to that point—which it was. It was truly groundbreaking. However, it would be surpassed just three years later by Pinocchio.

Rating: B+.

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